Tank Model Overseas Technical Guide


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Tank Model Overseas Technical Guide explores what the Spanish school looks like through the eye of a Japanese modeller

Tank Model Overseas Technical Guide is a look into “Japanese foreign modeler”, Mr. Hirarin, who is the main contributing modeler of the monthly magazine Armor Modeling.

In recent years, we are pleased to hear that AFVs made overseas weathering materials are saturated. There are countless types on the market, but you will need some tips to use them effectively. Therefore, we will introduce many weathering techniques for tank models that will improve the quality of your work through the works and how-tos.

If you are stuck in a rut with your work, or if you want to learn the techniques of the overseas modelers you admire, give this a try!

[ Adapted publisher’s description, translated through Google Translate ]

To paraphrase, Tank Model Overseas Technical Guide is a look at the more expressive finishing styles such as the Spanish school, through the lens of the Japanese modelling community.


Text: Japanese-only, translates device apps
Author: Hirai
Full colour
A4 softcover
96 pages
Release date: July 31, 2020

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