Arma Hobby
1/48 Hurricane Mk.IIc
My initial thoughts and observations as I dug through the contents of this long-awaited kit.
Boxing — If box art sells kits, this box is going to pull some serious weight. The artwork itself is lovely, full stop. Combined with Arma Hobby’s streamlined visual design, the entire package has a very premium sense about it.
The box back has 3 profiles of the supplied schemes — an all-black night fighter, a temperate land scheme and day fighter scheme. Bonus, the nice sturdy tray-style inner box.
Inside — 3 grey sprue, 1 clear snugly packed in a single resealable bag, plus instructions, errata insert, decals, and masks. Bonus, to my boxing at least, an A4-size print of the box artwork.

Decals — Techmod decals, as usual, with markings for 3 aircraft. Registration is perfect, density looks good, and film is quite thin.
Instructions — Line-art style, with full-colour call-outs. 37 steps to the finish, plus the 3 supplied colourways, and a QR code for additional info. Compared to the Mustang instructions I’m currently using, these are much easier to navigate without worrying that you may have missed information.
Colour call-outs are provided for Hataka, AK Real Colour, Lifecolor, AMMO, Humbrol, Vallejo, and Tamiya.
Tip: To simply the information I’m reading, I to take a Sharpie to all Polish language call-outs throughout.
Errata Insert — Two notations, both relating to material to be removed. The first to improve fit for the light housings in the wings, the second for displaying with a closed cockpit.

Saving the best for last, the plastic.
Clear parts — The clear runner gets its own plastic bag and all clear parts look good with no signs of scuffing. Two canopies provided, for opened and closed display.
C-runner — With the upper and lower wings, the C-runner is the one that stands out immediately, and for good reason. Each of the two parts are adorned from end to end with delicate raised and recessed detail. I’m the last person to comment on the accuracy of it, but it looks sublime. The key challenge all this detail may present will be the need to control the quality of paint application, as there will be little room to sand out any issues.
Just a few minor sink marks that I could see, a small cluster at the back of the lower wing where it meets the fuselage, one each near the front and rear of each wing root fillet. While they are all quite subtle, those who choose to address them should have few issues with surrounding detail.

Runner B — Continuing backwards, B holds the fuselage halves along with the ventral shrouds, prop, bombs, tanks, and radiator faces — with incredibly fine perforations — amongst the parts. Like the wings, the fuselage features incredibly five raised rivets — I missed seeing most them on first blush — and subtle ribbed effect through the aft fuselage. Again, a couple instances of very slight sin marks opposite some moulded cockpit interior detail.

Runner A — Runner A is, of course everything else, densely packed and full of gorgeous detail on nearly every part. Too much really, to give over to words, so I’ll let the photos in the full gallery take on the task.

3DP Parts — 3D printed parts were also included in my box, and while labelled as being not for review, I did want to make mention that all parts arrived intact, and free of any distortion.
The wrap up — Somewhat obviously (you know, the Luftraum72 bit), I’m hardly an expert on the state of the 1/48 aircraft hobby. Still, I can’t help but feel this kit is something special. Arma Hobby’s 1/72 Mustang was a watershed kit in that scale and looking through this kit evokes similar feelings.
Of course, the build experience is everything, unless you’re simply a collector, so while there’s still much to do to see if I’m right, I have a hunch the long wait, and all the work from Arma Hobby, will be worth it.
Kit courtesy of Arma Hobby.